Site Survey including fully equipped teams with new and best performed tools to be able to find the sites and providing the SA reports based on the agreed SLA with customer (600 SWAP sites survey provided with average of 5 hours from site assignment by Ericsson and Nokia).
Modernization and SWAP (FDD/TDD) more than 700 sites in R5 , R6 and R7 with 20 full equipped internal teams capable of implementation of different types of sites and technologies based on different site types
Site commissioning and integration on different expansion plans and configuration of FDD (U2100 , U900 , L2600 , L1800), TDD (L3500) and other configurations as per customer requirements.
Clean Up and final delivery of over 300 sites, that were executed by Sepehr competitors which they could not finalize Acceptance part of activity has been assigned to Sepehr and we completed them by our tiger teams.